I made some progress on this different style illustration of Nyx the main character of Twisted Fate story featured in my indie comic magazine Unique Realm Illustrated.
Liking how the recent Prince illustration I created in a different style than my usual one turned out. I wanted to create a similar illustration with the main character Nyx of the Twisted Fate story featured in my indie comic magazine Unique Realm Illustrated. Here’s a glimpse of the beginning process.
Started on this illustration of Nyx the main character of the Twisted Fate story featured in my indie comic magazine Unique Realm Illustrated at Horizon Comics Grand Opening last Saturday and did;t get a chance to finish it. Took a little break from projects to complete it yesterday. Rendered with Copics, Faber-Castell PITT Artist Pens… Read more »
HAPPY STAR WARS DAY! Celebrating the day with this recently finished up Bo-Katan illustration. She’s has been one of my favorite characters since she first appeared on Clone Wars. It was good to see her story continue in Rebels and from there into live action on the Mandalorian. Looking forward to seeing how her story… Read more »
I’m excited to be part of the 2021 Inkwell: Palmdale’s Book and Art Festival Virtual Exhibit. Inkwell: Palmdale’s Book and Art Festival is Saturday, May 1, 2021. Inkwell is a unique opportunity for artists and authors of all ages to display their work, and network with other local artists, authors, and the public. This year’s… Read more »
Hard to believe it has been five years already. This June also marks five years since my dad passed on your birthday. Your music has been intertwined in every area of my life journey, it is therapeutic, thought provoking and most of all healing. Thanks, Prince, for your continued inspiration with my creative process daily…. Read more »
Working on lettering issue #3 of Twisted Fate Story featured in my indie comic magazine Unique Realm Illustrated. To knock out the lettering stage of my book I’m using Adobe Illustrator.
Here is the finished Bounty Hunters Sketch Cover featuring Boba Fett There wasn’t much left to paint so finishing this cover up went fast. I painted the leather belt areas first and then painted the metal ammunition cells to complete this sketch cover.
Here is WIP06 for Bounty Hunters Sketch Cover featuring Boba Fett I started this stage by outlining the top belt area with Faber-Castell PITT Artist Pens. Then I painted in each section working right to left and continued until all the small areas were complete.
Here is WIP05 for Bounty Hunters Sketch Cover featuring Boba Fett I started this stage by outlining the chest armor and cloth area with Faber-Castell PITT Artist Pens. Then I painted in the bottom area black. Next I painted the vest area in with a flat gray base color. From there I painted in the… Read more »